Although many think change is the only constant, there is one thing that never changes: If companies want to keep their customers, they must make sure they can meet the basics expectations of customers (in terms of price, product, and service) and satisfy their personal challenges. 

In 2020, the world experienced (and we all took part in it) the largest digital training course ever. Everyone had no other choice during the great lockdown than to embrace the use of digital tools. Not only to work, communicate and relax, but also to buy products. There was simply no other option than the digital option. 

Consumers threw themselves wholeheartedly into the digital process, resulting in a rapid learning curve and a previously unexperienced peak of use. 

For many companies, this necessity to switch rapidly to digital represented the largest transformation exercise they had ever faced. Were they prepared? Probably not, and ones maybe better than others! Many of them were simply not ready with the measures and procedures that would allow their employees to work from home, forcing them to improvise solutions at very short notice. Likewise, many of them had no readily available e-commerce option, so that they needed to develop something almost overnight. This digital sprint has resulted in the disappearance of many digital barriers, both for customers and for companies. And those barriers will never come back. From now on, digital will more than ever be part of our daily lives. If, as a company leader, you look through a window, you can only see a very small piece of the world. But the invisible digital segment of the world is getting bigger and more important all the time. 

It was also the beginning of a new set of customers’ expectations that need to be listened to and understood.

Are you consistently listening to and understanding your customers?

Do you have the right mechanisms and tools to do it?

Contact us for a Dogma C3X free trial!

Dogma C3X is an Intelligent Business Consulting Platform inspired by the 3Cs industry model, which offers a strategic look at the pillars that every company needs for success: Customers – Company – Competitors. "Intelligent" because by using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) it can collect, process, and analyze the growing tsunami of data (structured and unstructured) related to the 3Cs, which is incredibly valuable. Only by strengthening, positioning, and integrating these three pillars (Customers - Company - Competitors) you will be able to build a sustainable competitive advantage.